Friday, February 7, 2014

Back in the Game

Having abandoned this blog for a very long time without ever really launching it in the first place, I'm happy to say tonight that I am back, hopefully for good (but we all know how great I am at keeping up with blogs, ha).

Tonight I started a new workout regime. It's a six-week "six-pack" workout by Jillian Michaels and although I know there's a lot more to being healthy than a six-pack, it seemed like a good place to start. I'm happy to say that I survived the first one, and there were only a few moves I couldn't do (and those were mostly due to the fact that I was doing them on slippery wood floors here at home). It wasn't any more challenging than my beginning jazz class was last semester... however, the true challenge will come into play in doing the workout four days a week, with dance classes on two other days and Saturdays or Sundays as rest days. Phew.

But I want to do this. Being depressed is no fun. Being unhealthy is no fun. Binging on junk food can be fun... for awhile. But there gets to be a point where that definitely is no fun.

SO here's a happier, healthier me. Let's pray that it sticks this time.

(If you'd like to join me, here is the link to the video on youtube: . It's also available for free if you have amazon prime, otherwise it's $10, I think. Not bad, in my opinion.)