Friday, February 7, 2014

Back in the Game

Having abandoned this blog for a very long time without ever really launching it in the first place, I'm happy to say tonight that I am back, hopefully for good (but we all know how great I am at keeping up with blogs, ha).

Tonight I started a new workout regime. It's a six-week "six-pack" workout by Jillian Michaels and although I know there's a lot more to being healthy than a six-pack, it seemed like a good place to start. I'm happy to say that I survived the first one, and there were only a few moves I couldn't do (and those were mostly due to the fact that I was doing them on slippery wood floors here at home). It wasn't any more challenging than my beginning jazz class was last semester... however, the true challenge will come into play in doing the workout four days a week, with dance classes on two other days and Saturdays or Sundays as rest days. Phew.

But I want to do this. Being depressed is no fun. Being unhealthy is no fun. Binging on junk food can be fun... for awhile. But there gets to be a point where that definitely is no fun.

SO here's a happier, healthier me. Let's pray that it sticks this time.

(If you'd like to join me, here is the link to the video on youtube: . It's also available for free if you have amazon prime, otherwise it's $10, I think. Not bad, in my opinion.)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

So... I was reminded that I need to post on here, so I am.  Last weekend, I went to visit a friend of mine, which turned into the typical girls' sleepover... chocolate, potato chips, late nights, and crappy college cafeteria food... none of which is very good for a diet.  It took me until Wednesday to crawl out of bed to do some legit exercise (not counting my ballet classes) and finally get on-track food-wise.  Because I don't know about you, but I can't diet when there's junk food in the house; it also takes will of steel to keep from buying more.

Like the Pringles sitting at the desk at work right now.  This is my weakness... I can go out and run or do situps or dance my butt off... but when I want junk food, I want mega junk food.  I'm not horribly picky; if it's chocolate or chip-like, I'll probably shove it in my face.  And, being a girl, the cravings are intensified once a month (thank you, Mother Nature...).  So here I am, writing a diet blog and shoving chips in my mouth.

The good news is, I stuck to my general caloric intake for the rest of the week (Wednesday-Saturday), and that's even progress for me.  I really do need to buy a scale... but remind myself to do weekly weigh-ins, not daily, and that it's okay if it seems like nothing is changing immediately.  Because I'm determined that eventually this is gonna make a difference, and someday, my body is gonna fit beautifully in my wedding dress, and it's gonna bounce back after babies, and I'm gonna be marathon shopping with my granddaughters when I'm sixty.

Back to work this... hard work.  I'm trying to define a regimen for myself that isn't overkill, especially since I dance hard-core five hours a week.  On the days that I don't dance, I really should run, and every day sit-ups and push-ups should be done.  This may not be the most efficient way to lose weight... but hey, it's exercise, and I can do it with my army boy.  Methinks that's a good incentive.  ;)

Monday: Modern dance, two hours
Tuesday: Ballet, 1 1/2 hours
Wednesday: Break day!  Everybody needs a recovery day every now and then.
Thursday: Ballet, 1 1/2 hours
Friday: Run!  Lots!
Saturday: Run more!
Sunday: Day of rest... and a cheat day dieting, too.  I'm gonna need it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hi World!

So, some of you know me from my other blogs and whatnot, but I thought I'd give this one a go.  I'm working mighty hard to lose some weight... this seems a little sad, coming from a sophomore in college.  :\  But I don't want to let my genetics dictate me completely, I want to be kicking and screaming, still wearing high heels and shopping 'til I drop when I'm eighty years old!

So here's what I'm hoping for: I joined (yet another) fitness website.  This one is, and I joined hoping to finally be able to track everything in a simple, sufficient way.  And, by blogging this, I'm looking for a basic support system and some accountability.  I want you guys to stay on my back!  Message me, email me, facebook me, whatever it takes, to make sure that I a: updated my online fitness profile and b: actually did something healthy (aka exercised) for the day.  I'm tired of being on the chunky side; I know it'll be hard to chase away (especially when I can make meals of chocolate, soda, and junk food), but I want to be able to look fantastic in my wedding dress someday, and I want to be able to do whatever my children and grandchildren want me to do.

Help me make this.  My goal (for now) is 115 pounds.  I'm not telling you how far away that is, because even Peter (my boyfriend) doesn't know... and he knows everything about me.  This is humiliating for me, no teenager should weigh what I do.  And if it turns out I weigh this because of muscle, I'll still be a healthier individual in the long run.

Advice, encouragement, thoughts, or even a following by way of your own blog/profile/dieting journey is highly encouraged, please help me do this!