Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hi World!

So, some of you know me from my other blogs and whatnot, but I thought I'd give this one a go.  I'm working mighty hard to lose some weight... this seems a little sad, coming from a sophomore in college.  :\  But I don't want to let my genetics dictate me completely, I want to be kicking and screaming, still wearing high heels and shopping 'til I drop when I'm eighty years old!

So here's what I'm hoping for: I joined (yet another) fitness website.  This one is, and I joined hoping to finally be able to track everything in a simple, sufficient way.  And, by blogging this, I'm looking for a basic support system and some accountability.  I want you guys to stay on my back!  Message me, email me, facebook me, whatever it takes, to make sure that I a: updated my online fitness profile and b: actually did something healthy (aka exercised) for the day.  I'm tired of being on the chunky side; I know it'll be hard to chase away (especially when I can make meals of chocolate, soda, and junk food), but I want to be able to look fantastic in my wedding dress someday, and I want to be able to do whatever my children and grandchildren want me to do.

Help me make this.  My goal (for now) is 115 pounds.  I'm not telling you how far away that is, because even Peter (my boyfriend) doesn't know... and he knows everything about me.  This is humiliating for me, no teenager should weigh what I do.  And if it turns out I weigh this because of muscle, I'll still be a healthier individual in the long run.

Advice, encouragement, thoughts, or even a following by way of your own blog/profile/dieting journey is highly encouraged, please help me do this!